BURIAL RECORDS – St Giles Hill Graveyard

We have compiled a database of Grave inscriptions found in the St Giles Hill Graveyard. The Earliest record is from 1694 and the latest is from 1973.

The google map below shows the location of the 3 basic types of memorial (stone surround, headstone and cross) found in St Giles Graveyard. By clicking on one of the features the grave number and inscription found on the monument will be displayed. The grave number corresponds to the number in the database found below the map. The legend for the map pops out when the arrow the the left of St Giles Hill Graveyard on the top left hand side of the map is clicked. Grave numbers as shown in the database are listed by clicking the down arrow. Click on the number to find where the grave is located in the graveyard.

A large number of the memorials have been photographed. Go to the bottom of this page for links to photographic catalogues of the memorials.

The location of the graves is shown on the map below. The colours indicate different types of memorial. Orange indicates a stone surrounds, pale blue a headstone and purple a cross.

Excel database of burials in St Giles Hill Graveyard. The grave locations can be located on the map above by using the grave numbers on the spreadsheet. Names can be sorted in ascending or descending order by clicking the small arrow at the top of the name column. It is also possible to filter names.

Click “screen” icon in bottom right hand corner of spreadsheet box to open in large screen.

Photographic Catalogues of memorials in St Giles Hill Graveyard can be seen at the following links:-

Pre-1870 graveyard.

Post 1870 graveyard.